Here are 20 powerful questions to ask yourself that can help bring you clarity, find peace, and achieve your goals. They will help you focus on what is important and allow you to think critically about your life. Improve your circumstances, align your actions and habits with your beliefs and values, discover what’s important to you, and share with friends so that they can grow, too. Check in with yourself and ask these deep, meaningful questions periodically. Be sure to write down your answers! If the answers don’t come easily to you, read on for helpful tips that can provide clarity.
- What truly makes me happy, and am I prioritizing those things in my life?
- What are my core values, and do my actions align with them?
- How do I define success, and is my current path leading me there?
- What legacy do I want to leave behind?
- Am I living for myself or according to others’ expectations?
- What challenges have shaped me the most, and what lessons have I learned from them?
- What fear or fears are holding me back, and how can I overcome them?
- When was the last time I stepped out of my comfort zone?
- How do I handle failure, and what do I learn from it?
- What habits or beliefs are limiting my potential?
- Who are the most important people in my life, and do they know it?
- Am I a good listener, and how can I improve my communication with others?
- How do I show love and appreciation to the people I care about?
- Are my relationships helping me grow, or are they holding me back?
- Do I set healthy boundaries to protect my emotional well-being?
- Am I taking care of my physical, mental, and emotional health?
- How do I cope with stress, and are those methods effective?
- What activities or practices bring me peace and fulfillment?
- Am I getting enough rest and downtime to recharge?
- How do I balance productivity with self-care?
If you’re not sure what makes you happy, keep a journal. Reflect daily on moments of joy and look for patterns. Are your happiest moments centered around specific activities, events, or people?
Maybe you’re uncertain about your legacy; think about what you’d like others to remember about you and what you’d like to be known for. How do you want people to feel when they think about you; is there anything specific (tangible or intangible) that you’d like to leave behind?
Think critically about your relationships with friends, family, coworkers, and partners. How do these relationships make you feel? Are they satisfying or draining? Are the majority of your interactions positive? Do these relationships benefit you? If so, how? What do you learn from these relationships? Would you consider these relationships healthy? Would you change anything about your relationships? Are you showing up authentically and with good intentions? Are your friends and loved ones doing the same?
Did you have a favorite question? Did you learn anything new about yourself? Let us know!